Friends, we are back after a few months. It was anticipated that following the declaration of the Historic G.O of 21st Sept, 2010, the part-time teachers of the State are about to witness the dawn of a new era. Unfortunately, quite a few antagonistic College Authorities aided by their wicked allies, would leave no stone unturned to take us back to those dark & shameful days of the past, when part-time teachers were considered worthless burdens on the colleges. 
These College Authorities, envious of the new status acquired by the teachers through their uncompromising movement under the able leadership of Elora Biswas, are now on the look for new strategies by which these teachers may be driven out of their service, once & for all. A similar incident took place a couple of days ago at Sahid Nurul Islam College, Tentulia, where existing part-time teachers were denied their long assured appointment letters, a shrewd game by the Principal, to get rid of these teachers.
Agitations against the Principal & G.B began furiously which was soon joined by other part-time teachers of the district & in no time Elora Biswas, the Convenor of Movements, arrived at the scene, to take over the situation. The Principal was 'gheraoed' overnight and made to experience the pain, which he had been inflicting upon his teachers over a period of time. Finally he had to succumb to the pressure of the masses & justice prevailed with his declaration that all these teachers would be issued appointment letters.