Delegates of the Association led by Mrs. Elora Biswas had important meetings with Ministers & Govt. Higher Officials at Bikash Bhavan, Jalasampad Bhavan & Writers' Building on the 6th of June,2011.
At Bikash Bhavan, Mrs. Biswas had important & fruitful discussions with the DPI, Mr. S.S. Sarkar, & the Joint Secretary Mr. M. Chakraborty individually, after which the apparently seeming satisfied Mrs. Biswas declared that she was happy with her long discussion with these two top officials of the HE Deptt. Approvals of many colleges held pending by the HE Deptt. were promptly ordered to be released by the DPI on the request of Mrs. Biswas.
Later Mrs. Biswas had yet another positive & cordial meeting with Dr. Manas Bhuinya at the Jalasampad Bhavan, & Dr. Amit Mitra, the Finance Minister at Writers' Building. Dr. Bhuinya cordially & respectfully called in all the teachers in his chamber & treated the delegates generously. The Finance Minister inspite of his tight schedule, met Mrs Biswas, & they had a long primary discussion on some current problems of the association, which continued for nearly half an hour.
Mrs. Biswas also handed over to the Minister a deputation, a copy of our bulletin which he gladly accepted. She seemed satisfied after her meeting with the Finance Minister. Lastly Elora Biswas had yet another brief thanksgiving meeting with Dr. Manas Bhuinya Minister-in-Charge of Irrigation & Small-Scale Industries, Govt. of West Bengal, at Writers' Building in his chamber.