Part-Time teachers from all over the State gathered at Subodh Mallick Squire, Kolkata on 24th Feb,'12 & marched to College Squire(Vidyasagar Udyan) as a mark of protest against Govt policy towards part-time teachers. The media thronged procession demanded regularization of Salary & a respectable pay-scale for all. The exploited teachers, deprived of their salary for nearly a year now, gathered at College Squire, fanned the picture of HE Minister,

which they had done all throughout the procession, as a gesture of painful mockery to prove that though they try to sustain & nurture the HE system in the state, to their full capacity, by providing unquestionable service(as attendants who fan their lavish masters, without caring for their own improvement, & the master blissfully sleeps on) to the Govt, yet their efforts go unappreciated & unrecognized. Later, a team moved to Bikash Bhavan, to submit a deputation at the HE Ministry.