Part-time teachers assembled in large numbers at Gariahat More on 11th March,'12(Sunday) & moved in a protest rally towards Hazra More, via Rashbehari Avenue, Kolkata. Hundreds of print & electronic media followed the rally, & some even made live telecasts of the rally instantly on their respective channels. On reaching Hazra More, police officials blocked the road, to check further advance of the rally towards CM's residence.

When Elora Biswas demanded that teachers who have been deprived of their remuneration for the last one year, must talk to the CM, about it, the police officers rejected their plea, Biswas along with hundreds of teachers squatted down on the street demanding the CM's appointment. It was at this very moment that large forces of police battalion, who'd already assembled at the spot, brutally manhandled Prof. Biswas & the other teachers, when they were virtually dragged form the street into the police prison vans, waiting beside, for the purpose & were taken to police headquarters at Lalbazar.

However, the movement itself made a great impact on the govt, & owing to it Mrs. Biswas along with other teachers were treated rather generously at Lalbazar, as sources reported. After a detention of nearly four hours, Biswas along with her colleagues came out victoriously from Lalbazar, making an epoch making event in the history of Part-time teachers' movement in West Bengal. Later, at night Mrs Biswas was informed over phone from police headquarters that the CM had conceded to give her an appointment on the following day at 1pm, at Writers' Building, Kolkata. This may be ascribed to the tremendous success & impact of our movement.