A rain dripping dark cloud clapped Metro sky witnessed the assembly of hundreds of part time lecturers at Raja Subodh Mullick Squire, Kolkata, on 19th August.'13, from various colleges of the State under the able leadership of Elora Biswas, who marched in a long peaceful procession towards Y Channel, Dharamtala(Esplanade). Amidst heavy monsoon downpour, the procession with slogans in favour of the rights of part time teachers, & singing "We Shall Overcome", holding a huge half bust cut out of the State Higher Education Minister, Mr Bratya Basu, intending to show the man, the plight of several of his college teachers, gradually moved towards Esplanade.

The cut out of the Minister was fanned by the teachers continually on the way, to show that he may rest like the supreme Lord, while numerous teachers suffer immensely. Arriving at the scheduled spot, escorted by a huge police force from all around, & constantly followed & interviewed by several print & electronic media on the way, the teachers halted & prepared for the ultimate protest show. Elora Biswas chanted a "strotram"(a religious chanting, meant to be a banter, in this case) of Bratya Basu & started worshiping the cut cut of the Minister putting a garland of "rotis" round his neck, joined in by a Hindu hymnal chanting, & followed by priestly rituals from all the teachers present. The teachers offered "Anjali to the Minister with torn pieces of Roti, to show the plight of the teachers who themselves ignored & unfed have been feeding the Higher Education Deptt of the State for decades.
All these have been taking place in front of the huge police barricade in front & Higher police officers eager to know about the next move of our association. Following the "Bratya Puja", Mrs Elora Biswas along with Mr. Haripada Pradhan, were escorted by the police to Writers Building, Kolkata to present their deputation. The impact of the movement, as reported by Mrs Biswas later, on the total atmosphere of the Writers Building, The Administrative Headquarter of the State, has been quite astounding. The Govt has been intimated in clear terms, that until the legitimate demands of these exploited teachers are met, the teachers will take to the streets time & again against the Govt policy of torment & exploitation.