Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Bikash Bhavan Abhijan on 24th Dec. 2010
Friends, join in large numbers, in front of Bikash Bhavan on 24th 10 am to raise your voice in favour of enhanced pay structure & change of the "part-time teacher" designation. Your cordial & enthusiastic participation is highly desirable.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Newspaper Coverage of the unique movement of 1st Dec. '10
Check out the Newspaper Coverage of the Movement of 1st Dec,'10, at Bikash Bhavan, under the "Voices of Protest" Section.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Elora Biswas on Mahua Bangla Live
Monday, November 29, 2010
Bikash Bhavan Abhijan on 1st Dec. 2010
Friends, join in large number in front of Bikash Bhavan on 1st Dec.'10, at 10.30am for a mass agitation against the Govt. policy of delaying & lengthening out the process of implementing the G.O. Under the able leadership of Elora Biswas, come let us join hands to make all our unfulfilled & justified demands see the light of day. Let us rise, fight & never pause till our goal is achieved. Let our Unity be our greatest Strength.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
State-Level Meeting at Kunwar Singh Hall,Moulali, Kolkata, on Sunday,21st Nov., 2010.
All the members of the association are requested to present themselves for a State-Level Meeting at Kunwar Singh Hall, Moulali, Kolkata, on Sunday, 21st Nov, '10 at 11 am.The previous meeting of the association was held in this hall. This may be treated as extremely urgent.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Agitation of 16th Nov. & Symbolic "Kangali Bhojan" in front of Bikash Bhavan by the Part Time Teachers

Friday, November 12, 2010
Bikash Bhavan Abhijan on 16th Nov. 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Important Instructions & The New Format for Service & Pay Fixation for PTT sent to Govt. Aided Colleges of the State by the HE Deptt.
The HE Deptt at Bikash Bhavan, has issued the fixed format for pay & service fixation for PTT ( for Govt. Aided Colleges only) to ensure a quick implementation of the Govt G.O issued on 21st Sept. 2010. The respective college authorities should adhere to this notice at the earliest, & send their data & other required informations, regarding their PTT, to the HE Deptt without delay.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Joy of Sharing
The State witnessed yet another noble enterprise of our association when on 12th Oct,2010 at Barasat Citizens' Forum in a colourful celebration the members of the association gave away food & gifts to the poor & destitute children of the nearby locality, and therby celebrating the "Sharodatsav" in a new way.
Over a hundred poor children were provided lunch for the day, along with other useful presents. The spark of immense joy & surprise, at this unexpected reception was clearly noticeable in the faces of the hapless children, who have virtually lost hopes for today & tomorrow.
Members of the association & representatives from Kolkata, Howrah, Hoogly, North & South 24 Pgs were present on the occa
sion. The children overjoyed, sang in chorus & recited poems, which made the day memorable. The assocaition has decided to celebrate each year's "Sharodatsav", in this way, in an attempt to share the festive season of light & colour with those unfortunate lots who have lost all colours of their lives. "We only live if we live for others".
The day has reminded us of this age old saying once again.

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Celebrating "Sharodotsav" in a noble way: Feeling that we should live for others too
The association gladly announces that with a slight change to its former declaration(regarding the venue), it is going to celebrate the colours of the forthcoming "Sharodotsav", with a group of hapless,destitute & poor children, who have lost all the colours of their lives, by distributing among them food & gifts, on 12th Oct.2010, Tuesday (Sree Panchami).
The entire programme will be organized at Barasat Citizens' Forum, Barasat, (Champadali More, On Taki Rd.) at 10am. All members who are willing to participate are cordially invited.

Friday, October 8, 2010
Good News now for Contractual teachers in Colleges too
It had been a long standing demand of our association that the contractual teachers should be given a permanent status in colleges along with the part-time teachers. Though the G.O for the permanence of part-time teachers have been issued already, the fate of the contractual teachers have still been hanging on thin rope, much to the dissatisfaction of our association.
Fortunately enough, honouring the demand of our association the State Finance Minister, Dr Asim Dasgupta declared at our State Conference on 8th Oct. 2010, that a similar proposal like that for the part time teachers, have also been sent for the Contractual teachers, by the HE Deptt to the Finance Deptt, recently, for the later's approval. The govt probably very soon would issue an order for the contractual teachers too, like it has issued for the part time teachers.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Attention Please: State Conference in Kolkata on 8th Oct. 2010.
This is for the information of all our members that the State Conference of our Association will be held in Kolkata, at Calcutta University Centenary Hall, on 8th Oct, 2010.
The Hon'ble State Finance Minister Dr. Asim Dasgupta, Hon'ble HE Minister Prof. Sudarshan Roy Chowdhury, other ministers of the Govt. of West Bengal, along with important State Administrative dignitaries have kindly agreed to grace the occassion by their presence. All the members are requested to present themselves at the said venue by 2 pm.

Friday, September 24, 2010
State-Level Meeting at Moulali, Kolkata, on Sunday,26th Sept.2010.
Interested members & leaders of the association, from all the districts of Bengal are requested to present themselves for a State- Level meeting on 26th Sept, at Moulali, Kolkata (Near 72, Lenin Sarani, Opposite to Taltala Church) at 11.30am. The association had conducted its meeting at the said venue earlier too. Those still having queries regarding the venue may contact Gouranga Debnath over phone after reaching near the location.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The G.O has been published.
The much awaited G.O has been published today, on 21st Sept. 2010, separately for Govt. & Non-Govt. Colleges at 4.45 pm. All the existing part time teachers will remain in service till the age of 60. Please wait patiently till the G.O is published in our Website, for this may require some time.
Breaking News: The G.O is expected by tomorrow.
As a result of our sustained movement under the efficient leadership of Elora Biswas, the HE Minister Prof. Sudarshan Roy Chowdhury has today(Tuesday) personally informed Eloradi over the phone, that the much anticipated G.O will be declared either today, or by tomorrow. We request all our members to check our site for the same.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
State-Level Meeting at College Street on 18th Sept., 2010.
All the members of our association are requested to present themselves, for a State-Level meeting, to discuss the forthcoming Govt. Order, and to frame a future course of action, on 18th Sept,2010, Saturday, at Students' Hall, College St.,Kolkata (Near University Institute Hall) at 11a.m.
Monday, September 13, 2010
News published in Prabhat Khabar, of 9th Sept. 2010, regarding the demands for a respectable designation by the part time lecturers.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Our strong disapproval of the strike called by a faction of the College part time teachers' association on 6th August, 2010.
This is for general information that our association functioning under the able guidance of Ellora Biswas, strongly disapproves of the strike called in colleges by a faction of our part time association on 6th August, 2010. This group tries to gain prominance & relevance by undertaking such a pointless agenda, on the eve of the much anticipated G.O ensuring service security to all part time teachers. This is only an unwise process to agitate the State Govt. further, when it is on the verge of taking such a positive & revolutionary decision in favour of the part time teachers of the state. This faction of the association wants to prove that because of their strike on the 6th August, the Govt has hurriedly issued the G.O, which all of us know to be far from the truth. The G.O is much anticipated at any time now, so this strike is quite meaningless. Our association has therefore decided not to support or participate in any such srtike or agitation at this moment which may bring an adverse effect on the G.O.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Govt. of West Bengal assures the terms of the ensuing G.O on 25th August,2010
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The much anticipated meeting between Elora Biswas, Dr. Asim Dasgupta, & Sudarshan Roy Chowdhury |
Elora Biswas, the Convenor of West Bengal College & University Part Time Teachers' Association, had a joint meeting with the State HE Minister & the Finance Minister at Writers Building on 25th August , 2010 on the forthcoming G.O anticipated to secure the service of thousands of part time lecturers in the colleges & universities of the State. According to the decision of the meeting Elora Biswas declared to the members at Esplanade, Kolkata that the Govt. has strictly committed that: 1.All the part time lecturers, serving till date, irrespective of their date of joining, will be entitled to serve in their respective colleges till the age of 60.(This point has been rigorously committed by & strictly emphasised upon by the Govt.) 2.All the part time teachers retrenched till date will be reinstated. 3.A part time teacher will be allowed to serve in only one college. 4.Remuneration will stand at a 35% hike to the existing salary(as already declared in the State Budget 2010-2011) 5.Remuneration will be send every month, by name of the teachers, to the respective colleges, by cheque.
6.The Govt. will issue an order with immediate effect, instructing all the college authorities in the State to stop any further recruitment of part time teachers. 7.The new pay offer will come into effect from the 1st of September, 2010. 8.All the part time teachers will attend college two days per week, taking eight classes. 9.The Govt. has ensured to think in positive terms about the Contractual teachers too, about providing them the same service security like that of the part time teachers.10.The Finance minister has sympathetically assured to redress some other grievances of the part time teachers & has declared that the G.O is now expected any day to see the light of the day, after this meeting with Elora Biswas.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Elora Biswas meets the HE Minister & DPI
On 3rd August, 2010, Elora Biswas along with her associates met the HE Minister at Bikash Bhavan & their nearly two hours' discussion regarding the termination of part-time, guest & contractual lecturers all around the state and other issues regarding the ensuing G.O may be said to be fruitful. Later, Mrs. Biswas also had a lengthy discussion with DPI regarding the problem of the Govt. Colleges in the State, when the latter re-assured Mrs. Biswas that all such problems will be solved very soon.
The association members also had a chance meeting with Prof. Anjan Sengupta,(Gen. Secretary, W.B Principals' Association) who also assured that he would raise the question of termination to the concerned college Principals and added that the G.O under process is expected to solve all these problems.
Friday, July 30, 2010
The new State Office of the Association
All the members of the association are requested to present themselves at the new State Office at Shovabazar, Kolkata, at 3pm on 3rd August,2010, The new office is situated at 30/2, Grey St. , near Anjali Jewellers Showroom, & Satadal Club. It is about 4 minutes walk from Shovabazar Metro Station, towards Ultadanga. Elora Biswas & other State-level leaders will be present at the venue, and a detailed discussion is expected to be held on the much anticipated G.O. This is going to be the inaugural meeting of the association at the new office.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The State-Level Conference at Mahajati Sadan- A Grand Success
Members of the part-time lecturers' association from all around the state including Guest & Contractual Lecturers thronged the auditorium of Mahajati Sadan on the 19th of July, 2010, at a State-Level Conference. They all exchanged views regarding the present & the future course of movement of the association & were eager to know about the much anticipated G.O expected by the 3rd week of August. Elora Biswas,assured the members, based on the assurance given to the association by the Govt. itself, that all the part-time teachers terminated till date will be reinstated with full dignity, without any break of service.
Fruitful discussions have been held with the Govt. regarding the miserable present state of the part-time lecturers all around the state, and quite a positive solution to this problem would come out in the ensuing G.O, she further added. Members present at the occassion, about 500 in number, were over enthusiastic to learn that probably their long, dark nights of turmoil, agony & sufferings is going to end soon. Prof. Habibur Biswas from Murshidabad, presided at the occassion, with other State-Level leaders, including Elora Biswas, on stage.
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