The Joy of Sharing
The State witnessed yet another noble enterprise of our association when on 12th Oct,2010 at Barasat Citizens' Forum in a colourful celebration the members of the association gave away food & gifts to the poor & destitute children of the nearby locality, and therby celebrating the "Sharodatsav" in a new way.
Over a hundred poor children were provided lunch for the day, along with other useful presents. The spark of immense joy & surprise, at this unexpected reception was clearly noticeable in the faces of the hapless children, who have virtually lost hopes for today & tomorrow.
Members of the association & representatives from Kolkata, Howrah, Hoogly, North & South 24 Pgs were present on the occa
sion. The children overjoyed, sang in chorus & recited poems, which made the day memorable. The assocaition has decided to celebrate each year's "Sharodatsav", in this way, in an attempt to share the festive season of light & colour with those unfortunate lots who have lost all colours of their lives. "We only live if we live for others".
The day has reminded us of this age old saying once again.