Friday, October 8, 2010
Good News now for Contractual teachers in Colleges too
It had been a long standing demand of our association that the contractual teachers should be given a permanent status in colleges along with the part-time teachers. Though the G.O for the permanence of part-time teachers have been issued already, the fate of the contractual teachers have still been hanging on thin rope, much to the dissatisfaction of our association.
Fortunately enough, honouring the demand of our association the State Finance Minister, Dr Asim Dasgupta declared at our State Conference on 8th Oct. 2010, that a similar proposal like that for the part time teachers, have also been sent for the Contractual teachers, by the HE Deptt to the Finance Deptt, recently, for the later's approval. The govt probably very soon would issue an order for the contractual teachers too, like it has issued for the part time teachers.