Thursday, October 14, 2010
Important Instructions & The New Format for Service & Pay Fixation for PTT sent to Govt. Aided Colleges of the State by the HE Deptt.
The HE Deptt at Bikash Bhavan, has issued the fixed format for pay & service fixation for PTT ( for Govt. Aided Colleges only) to ensure a quick implementation of the Govt G.O issued on 21st Sept. 2010. The respective college authorities should adhere to this notice at the earliest, & send their data & other required informations, regarding their PTT, to the HE Deptt without delay.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Joy of Sharing
The State witnessed yet another noble enterprise of our association when on 12th Oct,2010 at Barasat Citizens' Forum in a colourful celebration the members of the association gave away food & gifts to the poor & destitute children of the nearby locality, and therby celebrating the "Sharodatsav" in a new way.
Over a hundred poor children were provided lunch for the day, along with other useful presents. The spark of immense joy & surprise, at this unexpected reception was clearly noticeable in the faces of the hapless children, who have virtually lost hopes for today & tomorrow.
Members of the association & representatives from Kolkata, Howrah, Hoogly, North & South 24 Pgs were present on the occa
sion. The children overjoyed, sang in chorus & recited poems, which made the day memorable. The assocaition has decided to celebrate each year's "Sharodatsav", in this way, in an attempt to share the festive season of light & colour with those unfortunate lots who have lost all colours of their lives. "We only live if we live for others".
The day has reminded us of this age old saying once again.

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Celebrating "Sharodotsav" in a noble way: Feeling that we should live for others too
The association gladly announces that with a slight change to its former declaration(regarding the venue), it is going to celebrate the colours of the forthcoming "Sharodotsav", with a group of hapless,destitute & poor children, who have lost all the colours of their lives, by distributing among them food & gifts, on 12th Oct.2010, Tuesday (Sree Panchami).
The entire programme will be organized at Barasat Citizens' Forum, Barasat, (Champadali More, On Taki Rd.) at 10am. All members who are willing to participate are cordially invited.

Friday, October 8, 2010
Good News now for Contractual teachers in Colleges too
It had been a long standing demand of our association that the contractual teachers should be given a permanent status in colleges along with the part-time teachers. Though the G.O for the permanence of part-time teachers have been issued already, the fate of the contractual teachers have still been hanging on thin rope, much to the dissatisfaction of our association.
Fortunately enough, honouring the demand of our association the State Finance Minister, Dr Asim Dasgupta declared at our State Conference on 8th Oct. 2010, that a similar proposal like that for the part time teachers, have also been sent for the Contractual teachers, by the HE Deptt to the Finance Deptt, recently, for the later's approval. The govt probably very soon would issue an order for the contractual teachers too, like it has issued for the part time teachers.

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