Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Elora Biswas's District Conference at Raniganj, Burdwan
This is for general information that Mrs. Elora Biswas will be preside over a district Conference at Triveni Devi Bhalotia College(TDB College), Raniganj, Burdwan on 23rd Dec,(Friday)2011 at 11am. All the part time teachers from all over the State & especially from the colleges of the district of Burdwan, are requested to attend.
Impotant Announcement
Mrs Elora Biswas has made necessary arrangements for raising the issue of a pay-scale for part-time teachers, at the forthcoming session of the State Legislative Assembly, West Bengal. We all look forward to a positive response from the State Govt in this regard.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
An Emergency Meeting of North 24 Pgs District
An Urgent Meeting of North 24 Pgs district has been scheduled on 16th of December,2011(Friday), at 2pm, in a building behind Sandhani Club, Barasat (Near 11 No Rail Gate, Barasat Evening College). All the part-time lecturers from the colleges of the district are requested to attend the meeting, which would be presided over by Mrs. Elora Biswas. Members are requested to note this as extremely urgent.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Elora Biswas meets Dr. Abhirup Sarkar, at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Mrs. Elora Biswas, met Dr.Abhirup Sarkar, Chairman, Education Advisory Committee, to the Govt. of West Bengal on 28th November. The two held long & fruitful discussions on several part-time teachers' issues. Later, Mrs Biswas announced that she was satisfied with her discussion with Dr. Sarkar, & certain positive steps would be taken soon for the improvisation of the condition of the part-time teachers & the like, of the colleges & universities of the State.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Elora Biswas held positive talks with the Government
Mrs. Elora Biswas held positive talks with the government regarding further improvement of the present status of the Part-time Lecturers of the State, on 13th October,'11.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Elora Biswas meets Dr. Abhirup Sarkar, at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
In a noteworthy incident Mrs. Elora Biswas, met Dr. Abhirup Sarkar, Eminent Economist & Chairman of the Education Advisory Committee, Govt. of West Bengal, at the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata on Thursday.
Mrs. Elora Biswas held long & fruitful discussions with Mr. Sarkar, regarding the part-time teachers' movement in West Bengal.

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Meeting at Baharampore College, Murshidabad.
This is for general information that a Meeting of our Association, inviting delegates from all districts of Bengal, will be held at Baharampore College,Murshidabad,(Berhampore College,P.O.- Baharampur, Pin- 742101,Dist.- Murshidabad)on 7th August,2011,Sunday, at 11am. Mrs. Elora Biswas will be present as the chief speaker, on the said occasion.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Monthly Remuneration Assured
As per recent discussions held between Mrs. Elora Biswas & the concerned Authority, it has been decided that the Part-time Lecturers would soon get their remuneration on regular monthly basis,quite like any full-time teacher. A notice to this effect would be sent to all colleges, from the HE Department very soon.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The members of the Association met Ministers to the Govt of West Bengal to discuss the Part-time Teachers' problems
The members of the Association led by Mrs. Elora Biswas met Sri Soumen Mahapatra MIC, Water Resources Investigation and Development, Govt of West Bengal & Dr. Manas Ranjan Bhuinya MIC, Irrigation & Waterways, Micro & Small Scale Enterprises & Textiles, Govt of West Bengal, at their respective departments, last week. Mrs. Biswas held serious talks with these two Ministers regarding the problems currently faced by the Part-time teachers all across the State.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Fruitful Meetings at Bikash Bhavan, Jalasampad Bhavan & Writers' Building on 6th June
Delegates of the Association led by Mrs. Elora Biswas had important meetings with Ministers & Govt. Higher Officials at Bikash Bhavan, Jalasampad Bhavan & Writers' Building on the 6th of June,2011.
At Bikash Bhavan, Mrs. Biswas had important & fruitful discussions with the DPI, Mr. S.S. Sarkar, & the Joint Secretary Mr. M. Chakraborty individually, after which the apparently seeming satisfied Mrs. Biswas declared that she was happy with her long discussion with these two top officials of the HE Deptt. Approvals of many colleges held pending by the HE Deptt. were promptly ordered to be released by the DPI on the request of Mrs. Biswas.
Later Mrs. Biswas had yet another positive & cordial meeting with Dr. Manas Bhuinya at the Jalasampad Bhavan, & Dr. Amit Mitra, the Finance Minister at Writers' Building. Dr. Bhuinya cordially & respectfully called in all the teachers in his chamber & treated the delegates generously. The Finance Minister inspite of his tight schedule, met Mrs Biswas, & they had a long primary discussion on some current problems of the association, which continued for nearly half an hour.
Mrs. Biswas also handed over to the Minister a deputation, a copy of our bulletin which he gladly accepted. She seemed satisfied after her meeting with the Finance Minister. Lastly Elora Biswas had yet another brief thanksgiving meeting with Dr. Manas Bhuinya Minister-in-Charge of Irrigation & Small-Scale Industries, Govt. of West Bengal, at Writers' Building in his chamber.

Friday, May 27, 2011
Meeting with the new HE Minister
Delegates of the Association led by Mrs. Elora Biswas met the HE Minister Prof. Bratya Basu at Bikash Bhavan on 27th May, 2011. The team of delegates comprised State-Level leaders. Mrs. Elora Biswas handed over to the HE Minister a copy of a deputation, which speaks volumes about the long standing claims & justified demands of our Association.
The HE Minister seemed sympathetic & considerate enough to our cause & fully co-operated with the leaders of our Association. He even assured that measures will be taken, at the earliest, in consultation with the Higher officials of the Department & with the Finance Minister, Dr. Amit Mitra & Chief Minister, Mrs. Mamata Banerjee, & assured his co-operation to our Association in the days to come.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Incident at Sahid Nurul Islam College, Tentulia, North 24 Pgs.
Friends, we are back after a few months. It was anticipated that following the declaration of the Historic G.O of 21st Sept, 2010, the part-time teachers of the State are about to witness the dawn of a new era. Unfortunately, quite a few antagonistic College Authorities aided by their wicked allies, would leave no stone unturned to take us back to those dark & shameful days of the past, when part-time teachers were considered worthless burdens on the colleges. 
These College Authorities, envious of the new status acquired by the teachers through their uncompromising movement under the able leadership of Elora Biswas, are now on the look for new strategies by which these teachers may be driven out of their service, once & for all. A similar incident took place a couple of days ago at Sahid Nurul Islam College, Tentulia, where existing part-time teachers were denied their long assured appointment letters, a shrewd game by the Principal, to get rid of these teachers.
Agitations against the Principal & G.B began furiously which was soon joined by other part-time teachers of the district & in no time Elora Biswas, the Convenor of Movements, arrived at the scene, to take over the situation. The Principal was 'gheraoed' overnight and made to experience the pain, which he had been inflicting upon his teachers over a period of time. Finally he had to succumb to the pressure of the masses & justice prevailed with his declaration that all these teachers would be issued appointment letters.
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