Sunday, December 23, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Part Time Teachers are TEACHERS NO MORE
In an unprecedented move, the State Govt through the amendment of The Colleges & University Act 2012, passed at the State Legislative Assembly on Thursday, has conferred upon the PTTs, of the colleges & universities of the state, the greatest insult & humiliation, till date, with the declaration that henceforth the PTT s will no longer be called "Teachers" or "University Teachers". The teachers of colleges & universities who have till date been the very support system, the backbone of the Higher Education System, as a matter of fact, of the State, are suddenly declared "TEACHERS NO MORE". in this bill. The teachers who have created & moulded thousands of students across the state rendering unquestionable dedication to their service, for over a span of three to four decades, teachers who have walked miles on dusty paths to reach to distant remote colleges of the state, to impart education to students on a meagre remuneration of 125/- or 400/- a month & that also on an irregular basis, with several mouths in their homes to feed, teachers who have made incense sticks for all throughout the night to eek a marginal living, & have rushed to colleges again early morning, only because his dear students will be waiting for him eagerly in classrooms, teachers whose feet even their students who have become many State & Central Govt officials touch, to this very day, acknowledging the fact that had their teachers not been by their sides with compassion & care, they would not have attained such heights today....have suddenly been declared by that Govt who was believed to be fulfilling the unfulfilled dreams of millions of the State, as "TEACHERS NO MORE"!!!. Teachers who have created IAS & IPS, Doctors, Research Scholars, Athletes, Engineers & eminent personalities, for decades, who crown the country, in various fields are "TEACHERS NO MORE". These very teachers have created scholars who have spread all across the globe today & they from abroad have owed to their teachers for such a glorious rise in their lives. Had eminent scholars & gems like Dr. Radhakrishnan, been living to this day, he might have also felt ashamed to have been born of this land. Never before have such an insult been hurled at teachers, by any govt of the State. Pity, that the people of this state had brought about such a political change where the existence & honour of those very people who uphold the social & moral framework of any civilized society, is at stake. It is our appeal to all the teachers of the State, irrespective of their designation to raise their voices against this gross injustice, towards the PTTs. We also appeal to all the civilized people, across the globe, to feel the miserable state of College & University teachers, in the largest democracy of the world. Is this our reward, after giving our all for the betterment of the future of thousands of students, that we should be kicked & humiliated like stray dogs in streets, by whosoever gaining political power? Will this humiliating experiment with the PTTs by any govt in power, never come to an end? Will these hapless teachers never see the clear light of day? In a welfare state where teachers are thus trampled under the feet, of the govt, the question obviously arises, will the govt be able to answer to the future generation for what it does today? Time will only tell.
Elora Biswas & Haripada Pradhan
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Stay away from Rumours
A small faction of PTTs led & motivated by a political party, has again started spreading confusing rumours about the fate of PTTs in the days to come. Our association strictly detests any such politically motivated game aiming at creating mass chaos & confusion among thousands of PTTs of the State, & requests all our members to stay away from such baseless rumours, in order to strengthen the unity of our association in the days to come. Whatever our association demands from the govt, is strictly keeping in mind the interest of all existing PTTs of the State, irrespective of age, qualification & experience of the teachers.
Elora Biswas & Haripada Pradhan
Elora Biswas & Haripada Pradhan
Friday, September 7, 2012
The procession of 5th Sept '12
PTTs from various districts assembled at Sealdah Station, despite extremely bad whether condition on 5th Sept. In the presence of assembled media persons, the procession led by Elora Biswas, started to move at 12.30 pm through B.B.Ganguly St, towards Fears Lane, near Lalbazar. The assembled teachers are heartily thanked by the association who've braved the bad weather, & made the rally a great success. The rally reached the appointed place peacefully, with teachers walking bare-footed, led by Mrs. Biswas, who held a pair of decorated shoes on a plate, in her hand, as an ideological symbol of suffering teachers, who abide by their duties & are humiliated in return.
As the procession reached Fears Lane, Senior Kolkata Police officers along with those from the Detective Dept. Lalbazar, talked to Mrs. Biswas cordially, & after confirming from her, the scheduled appointment with the CM, they escorted Mrs. Biswas & Mr. Haripada Pradhan to CM's office at Writers' Building. Later, that day, Mrs. Biswas, reported that she had a long discussion at the CM'S office on the Govt's decision to make all PTTs appear at an examination/interview to re-establish their status. The association doesn't strictly confirm to the Govt's decision about the junior teachers & some other issues.
Mrs Biswas added that the Govt has decided to place the bill on PTT issues at the Bidhan Sabha very soon; the very bill that probably plans to derogate all the PTTs of the State. However she also assured from her realization & experience that if we fight hand in hand, & provide a tough resistance, against any such arbitrary Govt decision, to degrade the PTTs of the State, the battle can surely be won. The tougher our resistance, the stronger the possibility of winning the dark battle against injustice.

Saturday, September 1, 2012
Make it happen on 5th Sept,'12- A March of protest
On the 5th of Sept,'12(Wednesday) all our members across the state are requested to meet at Sealdah(Main)Station Enquiry at 10am, following which the assembled teachers will move through B.B Ganguly St & thereafter approach the Hon'able CM to present her a copy of our deputation. This is all in protest of the State Govt's decision to make all the existing PTTs of the State, go through a screening process of examination & interview, irrespective of their age, qualification & experience, in order to prove their eligibility for the posts in which they had been serving for so many years, at a stretch! Assemble in large numbers if you all think that your honour & prestige as a teacher is at stake. We fight to safeguard our professional & social rights as teachers. Fight unitedly on Teachers' Day, for the prestige of a teacher, denied to the college PT teachers of the State.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
General Meeting on 1st Sept.'12(Saturday)
To protest against the Govt. decision of making all part-time, guest & contractual teachers sit for an examination to prove their eligibility after serving for long years in colleges & universities, & to discuss how to come out of this crisis immediately, a genearl meeting on an emergency basis has been called on the 1st Sept,'12(Saturday) at 11 am, at Bidhan Sarani( Cross College St. Bata Showroom, moving towards Hatibagan, 209/A, Bidhan Sarani, Near Sreemani Market, Opposite to Vidyasagar Hostel a three storied building, House of Mohon Mukim, 2nd floor). Whatever our varied opinions might be on this issue, we need to unite at this very moment of utter crisis to save our existence & honour. In order to safeguard our right to work with dignity, & to make the govt feel the power of a large unified force, let's join hands together & fight till the very end till the goal is reached. All the members are requested to attend this emergency meeting without fail, & give their valuable suggestions/opinions on this issue. We live if we fight unitedly, we perish if we alienate.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Govt's decision to make all PTTs sit for Examination
An ominous dark night looms large over the fates of all the existing PT, Guest & Contractual lecturers of the State with the State Govt's gruesome decision, in accordance with the consent of the Governor, that:
1.All existing PTTs who have attained the age of 45 yrs, with an experience of 15 yrs, will have to sit for an examination conducted by the State Govt, to prove their eligibility, as college teachers, though they would get a relaxation in terms of marks, due to their, age & experience. However, present monthly remuneration of such teachers will be doubled.
2.All existing PTTs with NET/SET/Phd, will also have to appear at the aforesaid examination,though they would get a relaxation in terms of marks, due to their qualification. However, such candidates already had a relaxation in CSC, due to their qualification. Therefore candidates already with an UGC approved qualification, will again have to prove their eligibility, as college PTTs!
3.All other existing PTTs, will also have to appear at this examination, & needless to say, they will not be entitled to any relaxation, of any kind.
4.All existing Guest & Contractual lecturers will likewise have to appear at the aforesaid examination, to prove their eligibility.
Thus it is evident that the Govt is strategically planning to entrap all existing PT, Guest & Contractual lecturers of the state, in a vicious web. The aforesaid examination, if started, will throw the fates of thousands of PT & allied teachers of the state, in the hands of the Sate Govt, & these hapless teachers will totally be at the mercy of the Govt, irrespective of their age, experience & qualification.
1.All existing PTTs who have attained the age of 45 yrs, with an experience of 15 yrs, will have to sit for an examination conducted by the State Govt, to prove their eligibility, as college teachers, though they would get a relaxation in terms of marks, due to their, age & experience. However, present monthly remuneration of such teachers will be doubled.
2.All existing PTTs with NET/SET/Phd, will also have to appear at the aforesaid examination,though they would get a relaxation in terms of marks, due to their qualification. However, such candidates already had a relaxation in CSC, due to their qualification. Therefore candidates already with an UGC approved qualification, will again have to prove their eligibility, as college PTTs!
3.All other existing PTTs, will also have to appear at this examination, & needless to say, they will not be entitled to any relaxation, of any kind.
4.All existing Guest & Contractual lecturers will likewise have to appear at the aforesaid examination, to prove their eligibility.
Thus it is evident that the Govt is strategically planning to entrap all existing PT, Guest & Contractual lecturers of the state, in a vicious web. The aforesaid examination, if started, will throw the fates of thousands of PT & allied teachers of the state, in the hands of the Sate Govt, & these hapless teachers will totally be at the mercy of the Govt, irrespective of their age, experience & qualification.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Govt order regarging submission of financial claim from colleges for approved PTT teachers
Due to the sustained efforts of Mrs. Elora Biswas, her continuous efforts to positively motivate the Govt, on PTT issues, & finally owing to the repeated discussion on this very issue recently at the State Legislative Assembly(Bidhan Sabha), even on the 3rd of the current month, which had been possible due to Mrs. Biswas's sole & persistent initiative, the Govt(HE Deptt) has finally issued an order declaring that all colleges will have to send outstanding financial claims for approved part time teaching posts, for the period 01.01.12 to 30.06.12, with immediate effect. The detailed format for the same may also be obtained from the following site:
MEMO NO‐ ED‐ 341/2012 Dated‐04.07.2012
Director of Public Instruction, West Bengal
& Ex‐Officio Secretary, Dept. of Higher Education
Government of West Bengal, Bikash Bhavan, Kolkata‐91
To: All Principals and TIC s of the Govt‐aided colleges in the state
Reg‐ Submission of claims of the existing Part‐time teachers(PTTS) and Contractual Whole time teachers(CWTTs) for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012
They are requested to submit claim proposal with regard to payment of remuneration to Part‐time teachers and Contractual Whole time teachers in separate proposal, for the above‐mentioned period with the following documents to the Receiving section of the Education Directorate within 10.08.2012 positively.
Documents required (to be submitted separately for PTTs & CWTTs)
1. Duly‐filled in format I for PTT and Format II for CWTT [for claim submission in Excel worksheet]
2.10‐Point Certificate,
3. Non‐ Drawal Certificate,
4. Attested Copy of Original Approval Order, with Annexure, appended to the said Approval order showing the names of PTTs or CWTTs in detail,
5.Audit report/ Disbursement Certificates signed by the Principal/TIC, Bursar and accountant with a photo‐copy of the acquittance roll of the previous grants received (Oct2010‐March2011 and April2011‐December2011 in case of PTTs & April2011‐December2011 in case of CWTTs),
7. Copy of G.B resolution accepting resignation of PTTs or CWTTs, if any, as mentioned in column ‘M’ for PTT in Format I and column ‘C’ for CWTT in Format II ,
8. A declaration by Principal/TIC stating slab change of PTTs, if any, (to be calculated from the date of joining as per Ist Approval Memo) mentioning date of effect. (Not Applicable for Contractual whole‐time teachers)
9. Format III (enclosed), to be filled up and submitted in Excel worksheet for taking necessary action by Directorate.
Director of Public Instruction, West Bengal
& Ex‐Officio Secretary, Dept. of Higher Education
Government of West Bengal, Bikash Bhavan, Kolkata‐91
Format for Claim of Remuneration for Approved Contractual‐Whole timeTeachers of Govt‐Aided Colleges(01.01.2012‐30.06.2012)
Name of the College with Postal Address with Pin Code:
email ID:
Name of the Principal /Teacher‐in‐Charge :
Mobile No:
College/Office Phone no:
Previous surplus if any (with period) :
Sl. No. (A)
Names of Approved CWTTs as per first approval (B)
Names of resigned CWTTs with date of resignation (C)
Subject in which engaged as CWTT (D)
% of Marks in PG, (E)
Date of Birth (F)
Date of Joining as per first approval (G)
Any other Higher Qualification (NET/SET/ Ph.D (H)
General / SC / ST / OBC (I)
Memo No with date of first approval (J)
Proposed Claim from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012 in terms of G.O. 952-Edn(CS) dated 09.12.2010 @ Rs. 21400/- per month per incumbent. (K)
Rs21400x6 mths=Rs…….
PRINCIPAL/TEACHER IN CHARGERs.Period from………….. to……………. vide memo no……………….... dated…………
Name of the College with Postal Address with Pin Code: e‐mail ID:
Name of the Principal /Teacher‐in‐Charge : Mobile No: College/Office Phone no:
No. of PTT placed at Rs.9450 Rs.10800 Rs 13500 as per first approval vide G.O no………………………… dated …………….
Period from…….. to…….. vide memo no……………….. dated…………
Previous surplus if any (with period) :
Sl No
Name of approved PTTS
Date of Birth
Date of Joining as per first approval
First approval Memo No.
Remuneration as per first approval
(in Rs.)
As per first approval state whether claim is for Rs.9450 /Rs.10800/ Rs.13500 X 6 months(Jan’12 to June’12)
Due/Arrear remuneration for slab change from Rs.9450 to 10800/ ‐ OR from 10800/‐ to 13500/‐ with date of effect (in Rs.) [If any]
Total Arrear as per for column J for slab change if any till 30.06.12
(in Rs.)
Total claim (in Rs.)
(Resignation tendered by any PTT with date, if any)
9450 X 6 = Rs……………
10800 X 6 = Rs……………
13500 X 6 = Rs……………
MEMO NO‐ ED‐ 341/2012 Dated‐04.07.2012
Director of Public Instruction, West Bengal
& Ex‐Officio Secretary, Dept. of Higher Education
Government of West Bengal, Bikash Bhavan, Kolkata‐91
To: All Principals and TIC s of the Govt‐aided colleges in the state
Reg‐ Submission of claims of the existing Part‐time teachers(PTTS) and Contractual Whole time teachers(CWTTs) for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012
They are requested to submit claim proposal with regard to payment of remuneration to Part‐time teachers and Contractual Whole time teachers in separate proposal, for the above‐mentioned period with the following documents to the Receiving section of the Education Directorate within 10.08.2012 positively.
Documents required (to be submitted separately for PTTs & CWTTs)
1. Duly‐filled in format I for PTT and Format II for CWTT [for claim submission in Excel worksheet]
2.10‐Point Certificate,
3. Non‐ Drawal Certificate,
4. Attested Copy of Original Approval Order, with Annexure, appended to the said Approval order showing the names of PTTs or CWTTs in detail,
5.Audit report/ Disbursement Certificates signed by the Principal/TIC, Bursar and accountant with a photo‐copy of the acquittance roll of the previous grants received (Oct2010‐March2011 and April2011‐December2011 in case of PTTs & April2011‐December2011 in case of CWTTs),
7. Copy of G.B resolution accepting resignation of PTTs or CWTTs, if any, as mentioned in column ‘M’ for PTT in Format I and column ‘C’ for CWTT in Format II ,
8. A declaration by Principal/TIC stating slab change of PTTs, if any, (to be calculated from the date of joining as per Ist Approval Memo) mentioning date of effect. (Not Applicable for Contractual whole‐time teachers)
9. Format III (enclosed), to be filled up and submitted in Excel worksheet for taking necessary action by Directorate.
Director of Public Instruction, West Bengal
& Ex‐Officio Secretary, Dept. of Higher Education
Government of West Bengal, Bikash Bhavan, Kolkata‐91
Format for Claim of Remuneration for Approved Contractual‐Whole timeTeachers of Govt‐Aided Colleges(01.01.2012‐30.06.2012)
Name of the College with Postal Address with Pin Code:
email ID:
Name of the Principal /Teacher‐in‐Charge :
Mobile No:
College/Office Phone no:
Previous surplus if any (with period) :
Sl. No. (A)
Names of Approved CWTTs as per first approval (B)
Names of resigned CWTTs with date of resignation (C)
Subject in which engaged as CWTT (D)
% of Marks in PG, (E)
Date of Birth (F)
Date of Joining as per first approval (G)
Any other Higher Qualification (NET/SET/ Ph.D (H)
General / SC / ST / OBC (I)
Memo No with date of first approval (J)
Proposed Claim from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012 in terms of G.O. 952-Edn(CS) dated 09.12.2010 @ Rs. 21400/- per month per incumbent. (K)
Rs21400x6 mths=Rs…….
PRINCIPAL/TEACHER IN CHARGERs.Period from………….. to……………. vide memo no……………….... dated…………
Name of the College with Postal Address with Pin Code: e‐mail ID:
Name of the Principal /Teacher‐in‐Charge : Mobile No: College/Office Phone no:
No. of PTT placed at Rs.9450 Rs.10800 Rs 13500 as per first approval vide G.O no………………………… dated …………….
Period from…….. to…….. vide memo no……………….. dated…………
Previous surplus if any (with period) :
Sl No
Name of approved PTTS
Date of Birth
Date of Joining as per first approval
First approval Memo No.
Remuneration as per first approval
(in Rs.)
As per first approval state whether claim is for Rs.9450 /Rs.10800/ Rs.13500 X 6 months(Jan’12 to June’12)
Due/Arrear remuneration for slab change from Rs.9450 to 10800/ ‐ OR from 10800/‐ to 13500/‐ with date of effect (in Rs.) [If any]
Total Arrear as per for column J for slab change if any till 30.06.12
(in Rs.)
Total claim (in Rs.)
(Resignation tendered by any PTT with date, if any)
9450 X 6 = Rs……………
10800 X 6 = Rs……………
13500 X 6 = Rs……………
Monday, June 25, 2012
Developments at State Legislative Assembly
At the initiative of Mrs Elora Biswas the PTT issue was raised in Bidhan Sabha, today, by the leader of the Opposition, Mr. Surya Kanta Misra. The discussion on the issue continued for quite some time. Mr. Misra, once again assured full support to the cause of PTT's. Later, after the Assembly Mrs. Biswas met MIC, Education, Mr. Bratya Basu, & had long positive discussions on PTT issues, along with supportive documents. Members of our association are requested to follow forthcoming updates, on this issue.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Incidents at Subarnarekha Mahavidyalaya
Part-time teachers at Subarnarekaha Mahavidyalaya, Gopiballabhpur, West Midnapore were included in the Teachers' Council of the college & were placed in various important committees of the college, a few days back, in the presence of the Principal of the college who greeted the part-time teachers cordially, for such inclusion. It was also decided that the part-time teachers, would be given their monthly remuneration, from the college fund, on a regular basis, if the govt fails to send their monthly remuneration in time. These teachers would now be now be able to participate in teachers' council elections, which had been along standing demand of our association. Taking these incidents as precedents, part-time teachers all across the state are requested to procure a copy of this order, from their respective universities, & approach their respective college principals/officer-in charge, to ensure their due rights. The ball has already started rolling, and it should keep so, by our collective efforts.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
A step forward towards the acquisition of our rights
The state Govt. has finally conceded to our long standing demand for membership/representation of part-time teachers & contractual teachers in the teachers' council of respective colleges. This clearly implies that part-time teachers of the state from now on can take part in all the functioning of their respective colleges, including participating & contesting in college teachers' council elections, quite like any other full time teacher. This may be considered as a great victory of our long standing movement for justice for part-time & contractual teachers. In this connection, it may may be further declared, that only a couple of days back all part-time teachers of Raja Narendra Lal Khan College(Gop College)of West Midnapore have been included in the teachers' council of that college, in the presence of the college Principal, who received the new members of the teachers' council with great applause. This inclusion of part-time & contractual teachers in the college administration may be seen as a big feather in the cap of our part-time teachers' movement.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Proceedings at the State Legislative Assembly on 19th March
The part-time teachers' issue & its related problems were raised during the session at the State Legislative Assembly(Bidhan Sabha) twice, on Monday, the 10th of March, by Hon'ble legislators, thanks to the relentless efforts of Elora Biswas, who have pledged to surface the sufferings of these hapless college & university teachers. Mrs. Biswas being present at the House, on the occassion, later reported to the spokesperson, that her objective is to make the govt think in positive terms on this issue, in the current budget session of the Assembly. The association is hopefully looking forward to a humane decision on the part of the State Govt, on this issue, which will safeguard the rights & privileges of all part-time teachers of the State.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Print Media Feedback of the Protest March on 11th March,'12
Our friends & associates are requested to visit the "Voices of Protest" page for print media feedback on our movement on 11th March,'12(March of protest, for pay scale from Gariahat More to Hazra Crossing & Agitation)
Monday, March 12, 2012
The Movement on 11th March,'12
Part-time teachers assembled in large numbers at Gariahat More on 11th March,'12(Sunday) & moved in a protest rally towards Hazra More, via Rashbehari Avenue, Kolkata. Hundreds of print & electronic media followed the rally, & some even made live telecasts of the rally instantly on their respective channels. On reaching Hazra More, police officials blocked the road, to check further advance of the rally towards CM's residence.

Saturday, March 10, 2012
The news in Anandabazar Patrika & our subsequent movement for Rights
Monday, March 5, 2012
March against Govt decision on 11th March
The West Bengal Govt has decided to impose a restriction/ban on the democratic movements & agitations of College & University teachers, including that of part-time teachers. A bill, to this effect is going to be placed at the State Legislative Assembly in the current month. To protest against this forthcoming bill & in demand of a suitable pay-scale for all part time teachers, part time teachers across the state are requested at gather at Gariahat More, Kolkata, on 11th March,'12(Sunday) at 11 am. The protest rally will start from that place, after the teachers have assembled.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Print Media Feedback of the Protest March on 14th Feb
Our friends & associates are requested to visit the "Voices of
Protest" page for print media feedback on our movement on 24th Feb,'12(March of protest from Subodh Mallick Squire to College Street
& Agitation)
Friday, February 24, 2012
A March towards Economic & Social Freedom

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
March of Protest on 24th Feb,'12
Our dear friends & associates from all over Bengal are requested to assemble at Subodh Mallick Squire(Wellington Squire), Kolkata on 24th Feb,'12(Friday) at 9.45am, in demand of cancellation of the humiliating Govt plan to dishonour the part time teachers, pay scale for all, & a regular monthly salary for all part-time teachers. The assembled teachers will move in a procession to College Squire. Later a deputation will be submitted at Higher Education Ministry, Govt of West Bengal.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
News Feedback
Our friends & associates are requested to visit the "Voices of Protest" page for print media feedback on our movement on 30th Jan,'12(March of protest from Subodh Mallick Squire to College Street & Agitation)
Monday, January 30, 2012
Submission of deputation at Chief Minister's Secretariat
Mrs Elora Biswas, in a fruitful one hour discussion at Chief Minister's Secretariat, submitted a deputation to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Ms Mamta Banerjee, at Writers' Building, Kolkata, on 30th Jan, '12. Later Biswas reported that she had held positive talks at the Secretariat, in favour of all the part-time teachers of the State.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Please Note about the gathering & march on 30th Jan
All our friends joining our gathering & our march for Justice on 30th Jan,'12 are requested to wear a black batch as a mark of protest & mourning the death of Prof. Agnibina Deb. They are also requested to bring 10 photocopies of their PG marksheet.
Elora Biswas
Elora Biswas
Friday, January 27, 2012
Assemble at Raja Subodh Mallick Squire, Kolkata, on 30th Jan
![]() |
Raja Subodh Mallick Squire |
Elora Biswas, Haripada Pradhan, Pratima Tilak Maiti, Habibul Biswas, Sudip Banerjee, Goutam Bhattacharya, Sabarna Banerjee, Niranjan Barman, Puja Banerjee, Rupbani Das, Motiur Rahman, Arpan Roy, Sanjib Jha, Surasree Mukherjee, Pranab Dutta, Narayan Ch. Roy, Selim Rana, Nitish Pal, Dipankar Sinha, Subhasish Mukherjee.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The tragic death of a part-time teacher
The association is struck with grief at the tragic & untimely demise of Prof. Agnibina Deb, a part-time lecturer at Sammilani Mahavidyalaya, Garia, Kolkata, who committed suicide for not getting her salary from the govt for nearly a year.It is a shame for the entire elite & educated section of our enlightened society. This incident once more blatantly exposes the inhuman exploitation of part-time lecturers of the colleges of West Bengal by the State Govt.Thousands of lecturers across Bengal suffer like Prof. Deb every hour, but they are forced to stand & fight their perilous situations at their workplace everyday. Our association pays homage to our deceased friend & deeply sympathizes with her family members.
Watch Aakash Bangla on 26th Jan,'12
Our friends & associates are requested to watch the Aakash Bangla Cable Channel on 26th Jan,'12 from 6 pm onwards to know in details about the recent trends of our movement. Mrs Elora Biswas has once again declared the innumerable problems & humiliations faced by the part-time lecturers of the State to the electronic media.The transmission of this event may take place in between 6pm and 12 midnight. All our esteemed members are requested to take note of this schedule.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Protest against the decision of HE Deptt,Govt. of West Bengal
The Association is greatly concerned about the drastic decision/recommendation of the Higher Education Committee, to the Govt of West Bengal,regarding the future of the part-time lecturers of the State, as published in a leading Bengali daily on 22nd Jan,'12. We hereby declare that no such arbitrary decision forcible imposed on the part-time lecturers, providing dedicated service to the govt for long tenures, will be calmly accepted. The Association has decided to launch a massive movement, against this govt proposal, which attempts to dishonour thousands of part-time lecturers of the State, until the interests of all categories of part-time lecturers are secured. Part-time lecturers all across the State are hereby requested to contact Mrs. Elora Biswas, for our future course of Movement, on this issue.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Elora Biswas meets the Standing Committee, Higher Education, on Wednesday
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Elora Biswas explains part-time issues to the Chairman of the Standing Committee, Higher Education, Mr.Ashish Banerjee, at the State Legislative Assembly(Bidhan Sabha Bhavan) on Wednesday. |
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Elora Biswas hands over the charter of demands & important documents to Mr. Abul Hasem Mondal, Member, Standing Committee at Bidhan Sabha Bhavan. |

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